

The Unspoken Matricide
"After all, didn't all fathers in their secret hearts harbor a desire to kill their sons?"
Quoted Hosseini, but it rather suits the mothers for the kids they bore;
Ones that are pierced in labour and never recovered,
Ones that think of themselves as penitents and those who shan't be forgiven,
Ones that are etched with the blood of the lifeless,
Ones that bear the weight of another's absence,
Ones that only possess the love and not the loved ones.

Nevertheless I fail to understand why any mother would prefer her own death over a killing—
After all, didn't all mothers in their secret hearts harbor a desire to kill their blood
After a perpetual yearning to nurture lives?
After the sacrifices she made to suffice?
After all those sleepless nights
And a life she lost that's now despised?

- mathi
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