

Conversation In the Rain
As I step into the soft embrace of rain,
Each droplet becomes a voice, a story untold,
Whispering secrets in the water,
A soothing cadence amidst life's
Fierce moments,
In the rain's embrace, I share my hopes and fears,
A silent dialogue among the gentle?
Does it listens to Aquarians?
Bearing witness to my unspoken words,
A quiet guardian in the storm's embrace?
The rain responds with a language of its own,
A melody that melts with the beating of my heart,
A song of renewal and understanding,
A song that washes away the weight of the world,
A shared moment of vulnerability
Left to linger in the forest scent earth.
In the conversation with the rain, I find peace,
For in its whispered and gentle touch,
I discover a companion in the storm's tender presence.
© Earth gifts