

Lost in a Book
As it(book) came in my hand,
A sudden shower of warmth come to stand,
Getting lost in it soon and soon
In the story of girl and moon

At the edge of the furthest mountain,
Between the valley and the lazy river,
Beyond the edge of the scented meadow,
I can see the hues painted by the setting sun...

I sleeping between the trees
In such situation, u can freeze
Making me sing a song
Tuning as La La La oops! it's gonna wrong

Coming to me a boy, sometimes seen one
holding me with a loud shout and it's done
"heyyyyyy" it sounds
When i gotta know it's my bro around

Waked from a beautiful trip
Came from a Big Ship
Hoped it had continued and continued
And the sound tuned and tuned
© Prachi