


In fields of gold and skies of blue,
A village couple, tried and true.
Hand in hand, they walk life's lane,
Through sunshine bright and gentle rain.

With calloused hands and hearts so pure,
They toil and sow, of this they're sure.
Their love, a beacon, steadfast and strong,
In each other's arms, where they belong.

In quaint cottages, their love does dwell,
A hearth to warm, a story to tell.
With laughter ringing, and songs that flow,
Their bond like roots that deeply grow.

Through seasons change, their love remains,
A timeless dance, no need for reins.
For in this village, where dreams take flight,
A couple's love shines ever bright.

So here's to them, in verse and rhyme,
A village couple, for all of time.
May their love endure, forevermore,
In this village they both adore.


© 1rfan_writes