

Whimpering Whispers
A regurgitated life fills the void
Feelings of distraught nuances
Concave then cave in to the imbalance
Of your hearts calloused hands

Memories replay like a broken record
Echoes of pain and loss reverberate
Through the chambers of your soul
Leaving behind a trail of wreckage

You try to escape the cycle
But the past clings to you like a shadow
Haunting your every move
Dragging you back into the depths

Longing for peace within the whimpering solace
The whining whispers of nature's embrace,
A respite from the lies that cloud the mind,
Yet the turmoil thickens, it continues to grow
Embodied by all emotions unkind

Elusive once again, the calm you seek,
As pain is laid at your heart's feet,
Within a sea of chaos, the blood it leaks,
A never-ending cycle, a soul that weeps.

© Words Of Anthrax