

Journey of an Engineering Student
Excitedly, I choose my path.
Engineering how prestigious the department is.
First Year, First Semester
Numbers it all takes,
Chemistry Lecture,
was really not for me.

Second Semester, here I am.
Everything went well, until CoVid came.
No Face to Face class, was fun at first.
Not until failed grade was given to me.
Failed in Drawing and Plans,
Failed in Fundamentals of Programming.

I know 'I can do it!' I encourage myself.
Second Year, First Semester.
Some subjects were left behind.
Same goes to Second Semester.

Luckily, I am now in Third Year.
Almost 2 years of learning through online.
Did we really learn something?
For me, Nothing.

Face to Face Learning is a must.
Specially to College students.
Hoping that 2022 will bring me back to school.

© Belle Estores