

The one man you ever truly loved makes you feel like. You're not good enough to love or To love him...

When you're mind is making you loose site of yourself. The positive person that always made it through...

When just caring for the children and love one isn't enough anymore. Because you start to wonder when they start their own life who will be there with you...

When your dreams keep reminding you that every man you was with preferred other women not you...

You wish on a star every night that one day you'll be able to sleep with peace and a clear mind...

So right now you wonder where do you go from here. The depression with in you raising how do you sleep. When trying to figure out life and your pain. Your mind keep trying to tell you that you won't making through this...

Just put this in you mind where you are right now. Isn't where it ends because self love will get you through it all. An faith has always got you through it all...

© Queens & kings