

the name of the feeling
I name you pain
Unbearable and can't help feeling
Saying it means nothing
Leave me here to cry
Leave me alone here
You're breaking and breaking
Hide it or it'll be lost
They're not looking for it
Why do you like it
Calling it pain
Crossed with pain

Contradict me with every word and feeling
I love both good and pleasant pain
You cause it and somehow it's good
On the other hand, it hurts unconsciously
But it's bearable
Every lying word...
Every lying word...
In my head, I'm confused
What is true
Let it end
I want something better

Let go of me
You're squeezing it so tight
Hold on
I don't want you, I love you
I call you hate
Emotion planted in my head
The brain has gone on a vacation
The heart is crushed

I don't like to lift any of them
I want to listen to both
To love and choose well at the same time
I want to love you without hate
That I want to be yours
Without any inhibition
My heart has chosen
You took my last eye
My chance
To be happy
While I try not to love you

I hate everything about you
I roll my eyes
What if it's a lie? What if I'm not?
You'll trick me and make me laugh
Or I'll throw it away and be wrong
I'll say no to you, love?
To decide whether I'll let you
A mixture of black hate and pink love
You've got me fooled
Taking all the peace
Stepping on my aims and principles

I look at you and it hurts
That I can't touch you
Why I can't be yours
Why did my heart choose you
You don't deserve it
You don't know and you didn't ask
Let me go, let me help
I'm clinging to the blackness
I want to go away
Let go of me
I'm screaming
I'm suffering and he doesn't care

I know it's pathetic to love alone
Crying myself senseless and in all my pain
Wasting tears
For a dirty name
Memory burns into everything
Let me be yours
Get out of here

When it ends
No purpose
It's just annihilating
The germ of my heart
Let me go, you're tearing my arm
You don't even want me and I'll give in
Let me go
What's the point
I'd do anything for you

You've taken away my power
My control and my precision
You control me
You've cracked my code
You know the passwords
You gave me the wrong heart
You messed up and now you're crying for me
Let go of my hand
Let my heart love you still
After you too
Isn't this torture enough for you?

I want to heal
When I haven't even begun to forget
Tell me that love is not like this
Let me go, I hate you, I love you and I'll deny you till the end
But in the end I always get there
I'm breaking like the sky
I'm breaking and melting like ice
Let me go, that's enough...

Don't go,
I love you
I beg with everything I've got
What if we can
I've lost my grip
I beg you on the ground
I love you and I hate you
I always wonder
When I can love with worth
Meaningfully and as hard as it hurts now
Let me go, I love you and therefore leave me.

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