

Welcome To The Jungle of Life

Welcome to the jungle.

Once upon a time,
I was passing through a jungle called Life.
I was alone, I had no fear.
Trusted on my intellect,
I used it as a "knife."

Believed to find a miracle
in this jungle of life,
I was a happy-go-lucky soul,
like a pure light.

My heart was like freshly frozen
see-through ice.
The rainbow dreams in my eyes
colored my existence shiny and bright.

I was drifting through this jungle,
like a cool breeze high up in the sky.
Keeping no burdens on my wings,
I was free to go wherever
I wanted to fly.

But as I grew up a little older,
I felt a bit heavy on my shoulder.

I found myself in the middle of the jungle.
It was dense, deep and dark.
I tried to go through it,
keeping my inner light on.
When dark ambitions gripped me hard,
I started to lose my spark.

I was surrounded by the howling wolves,
Hidden behind the trees of greed and lust,
disguised as mankind.

I tried to escape the jungle as fast as possible,
But no path or footprints that I could ever find.

To mingle within the jungle,
To save my naive emotions and my pure soul,
I painted my heart with the black dust of loneliness
burned my esteem like a sad charcoal.

Life took a 360-degree turn,
When only ashes remained and nothing was left to burn.

A Cupid's arrow of love and light
pierced my life.
A new soul entered the jungle,
And my racing heart took a pause.

The rainbow dreams in my eyes
colored again my existence
shiny and bright,
And the new soul in my life became
my spouse.

Collecting together
The twigs of experiences and the leaves of emotions,
We both made a lovely place that we called a house.

We shared everything with each other,
became one.
And awaited until a glimpse of God's grace come.

A little soul entered our lives
with an aura of glowing pink and white.
Everything revolved around
that little bundle of joy,
Which made our day and night.

The time drifted fast like a river cruises the raft.
No matter how much
we wanted to hold on our joy of life,
it didn't last.

The time and tide wait for no one,
As if with every grace, God also spells a cast.

Our little joy has grown into a big pride,
Wanted to try new adventures side by side.

It's okay to test your limits, I said.
But before the sun fades,
Be ready to enter the jungle
with new shades.
You might get a safari of joy and strife,
In this jungle, I called life.

I wanted to inherit my lessons,
learned hard.
The torch of wisdom, I also passed.
And I warned...
Not to rely only on the intellect's knife
In this jungle, I called life.

I am happy and frightened both at the same time.
The uncertainty of the jungle,
is still alive in the sweet-salty memories of mine.

But I know,
Every soul has its own unique path,
A destiny different from mine,
where it can evolve to rise and shine.

Now it's time
to celebrate my last supper
with a little old wine.

Leaving those apprehensions behind,
I told my little joy,
"You have grown up now,
but never forget your childhood dreams and those tender, loving toys."

"Treat the people around you
with grace, dignity, love, and respect.
Give the service to others,
bring the joy.
But anything in return, never expect."

"No matter how much,
The jungle of life is dense and dark.
Always believe in yourself and God, and never ever lose your inner "spark."

"Be ready to explore and run.
Life shouldn't be too serious,
have a little fun."

"Win or lose. Be the same.
Never quit.
Always be in the game."

"And be ready to jump,
When you stumble.
Welcome to life,
Welcome to the jungle!"

© AK

#Life #Jungle #lifelesson #lessonlearned #mylife