

2020' What A Crazy Year

The Year 2020
  The world was filled with fear, pain, and heartache.
Many lives were lost, many who will never be forgotten.
The mark it left was overwhelming to say the least, and the uncertainty filled the world with despair.

Amazingly through it all, kindness, charity, and hope overflowed.
An unbelievable strength kept our heads raised high, our arms open, and our hearts filled with unconditional love.

As 2020 comes to an end, if there is a lesson to be learned, I would hope that it is that life is short, and time eventually runs out for us all.

Don't waste it holding on to grudges.
Don't let petty things drive a wedge between relationships.
Always tell someone you love them because tomorrow can't be promised.

Family and friends are everything, and as long as we stand together, the foundation of our humanity will solidify.
The strength in our faith will never faulter.

Have a safe New Year everyone!!!

      Written by
  Sarah M Gutierrez


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