

How Do You Not Love Poetry?
Like a slow burning liquid glitter that runs down your throat,
Poetry dissolves all the feelings you have clutched too hard on,
Letting them jolt through every vein that belongs,
Until they perish; and you realise it has only left you asking for more.

Poetry bangs on your heart door in the middle of the night, asking to be let in,
You open up not giving it a second thought and it settles just right within,
Then it proceeds to set ablaze all the corners where your demons hide,
Radiating warmth to the ones where long forgotten pain resides.

Surging waves of emotions and turning them into large tides,
Poetry washes over your past and the people left behind,
And it brings them to the shore of your soul,
It makes you long for what's lost but also embrace your flaws.

And maybe tonight, poetry will rock you untill you fall asleep,
Or maybe it will knock all the air off your lungs,
And it will make you weep,
Or maybe, just maybe, it will embed itself as a part of you for keeps.

© pandawithglasses