

The Clutter
The Clutter
I see it everyday
The Clutter
No space for the pets to lay

Disassembled parts
Endless empty boxes
Countless forgotten orders
Imbalance and Disorder

The Clutter
The neat freak's cyanide
The Clutter
Feng Shui suicide

The feel of siphoning energy
Dooming to depression and lethargy
Don't want to mince words or sound coy
Marie Kondo can burn it all
None of it brings joy

The Clutter
Drowning in the ocean of it
The Clutter
Can't keep your head above it

The Clutter
No one pumped up to clean it
The Clutter
The endless collection of I'll clean it

Piling up in a house
Like putting up new walls
Shifting from one space to the next
Narrowing walkways in the halls

The Clutter
Boxes from Amazon
The Clutter
Where did it all come from?

Running out of places to hide it
At Naptime lay beside it
Ignore it
And make excuses for it
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