

Can I be that person
That seeks through reality
Hopes of thousands on me
As I prepare a journey ahead
Propel me into a channel, vast.

I wish to accomplish
And sprout to reality, mama's wish
Don't forget the road home
And fuel the torch for a clear path
The dual beings, upon you is their trust.

Array of tasks ahead!
I am tossed by a reminder of success
Mouths open in jest and appraisal
That, only me can fufil
As I buckle my boots for the race.

The long awaited time has arrived
With cheers and smile I welcome
In a solo and manful embrace
Your chance has been given. Time says.
What shall you do with it?

In focus and determination I set
Accompanied by a sense to impress
Mother's words I continue to address
As my mind opens it gates of greatness
For I wish to reward with success

Out of the blue comes the question
Can I be the man I want?
I answer with silence
And repeat with reasoning
For life jokes not, with man

I am becoming not myself
My promises I begin to break
And my words I stop to keep
I battle within myself
To reinstall my passion for success.

I shall give it all it demands
To this, I stand affirm
Let life throw it's hardest punches
And bring forth it's toughest man
I shall wrestle to ground whatever.

Mother, your face I remember
Your tears is my fuel
And your smile is my motive
My promises I shall not break
And my words I shall keep!

Life won't give a chance, I know
My reach, I strive to attain
Serve me the dish of strength!
If life helps me not,
Then God shall be my helper.

© Yusuf Muhammad