

The • Nurse
The Nurse is Special, Hand-picked by God.

Dressed in a white gown, hat, and shoes - a red cross as a symbol of Love.

Dedicating endless hours of Her energy, drained by the seconds and more.

She holds the hands of Her dying patients - as they leave this world's door for something more.

The Nurse has a caring heart, accompanied by a passionate soul.

This IS Her life's purpose, the one and only goal.

So, when your loved one becomes too hard to care for, especially on your own.

A Nurse is the first to greet them and make sure they feel at home.

We leave our families, more often than not - on a daily basis.

To take excellent care of yours, tending to their life's everyday basics.

Us Nurses sometimes go unnoticed, our pay is worth less than the shit we clean up.

For a CNA is the main Eyes and Ears for a company that can be so corrupt.

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