

Cosmic world
Our cosmic world is like a dreamy dwell;
Sky is full of twinkling and sparkling stars;
Nothing appears to be circle of hell.
Asteroids are revolving to leave scars;
Kuiper belt stay far from this dreadly harsh.
Comets guide them with its expectant light;
Galaxy gives wave of gleam in this darth.
Planets are shining with luminous bright.

Mercury, with its rapid movement;
Steer us to enrich ingenuity.
Venus' thick aura and hottest basement;
Inspire, to burn covets and praise beauty.
Earth, the only orb to make life pretty;
Is viewed, as an emblem of creator.
Mars, affects humans' future destiny;
Intact the role of a potent neighbor.

Jupiter, the abode of lord guru;
Helps us, to enhance faith and consciousness.
Saturn, grasps strength to bear griefs of all hues;
To stay adamant with full graciousness.
Uranus, holds record for its coldness;
Warns and keeps us away from detriment.
Neptune is akin with subconsciousness
And renounces our grasping attachments.

Sun, the only star in this universe;
Teaches us, to shine with full confidence.
Like Moon, we should've faith in numinous;
To move ahead in life with God's guidance.