

My unforgettable friendship
The bond we share is unbreakable,
her friendship is my rock.
Her presence fills me with courage and light.
I'm thankful for her support and

love that she brings,
her advice helps me find my way.
And even when our paths split,
her loyalty keeps me afloat.

For this friend of mine is my secret keeper
, my advisor and more.
Her friendship is something
I treasure most and always will.

Strength, security,
and perseveranceShare
the courage she has inspired in me.
After all,

she is the one who has always been
there for me
through thick and thin
And if it wasn't for her,

I would have never found out that
poetry is my true passion!
Through thick and thin, she always stood by me. From learning to write to growing in wisdom, she’s

always been by my side.
Courage, security, and perseverance
are the qualities she has inspired within me.
Her strength has made me strong

and her support has helped me grow.
We’ve shared a unique bond that has
taught me to never give up,
even when life gets tough.
© Belinda