

Unveiling Destiny's Path
In the midst of nowhere, I found myself,
Exhausted and weary, mentally and physically.
A question lingered, heavy in my mind,
Is this the place where I truly want to be?

The answer resounds, clear and strong,
No, this is not where my heart truly belongs.
I yearn for a life filled with my desires,
Where I can pursue what my younger self aspires.

Away from toxic souls and manipulators,
I seek a haven free from their dark ways.
A space where positivity can bloom,
And I can embrace brighter, happier days.

In this journey of self-discovery and growth,
I'll find the strength to break free and go forth.
To create a life that aligns with my dreams,
Where authenticity reigns, or so it seems.

So, in the middle of nowhere, I stand tall,
Knowing deep within, I'll conquer it all.
For I hold the power to shape my fate,
And transform my life to something truly great.

© klehriynah