

Together we were
Alone we were not
Peace I thought I'd found
That precious treasure lost
Visions of disorder
Show you a me you hate
That image of me you can't let fade
I thought you knew me
I Guess I wasn't good enough to be saved
Hypocrisy and jealousy the daggers impaling me
Your steady hand guides the blades
It might hurt if I cared enough to feel the pain.
My heart imploded when you Wronged me
I took the lashing and accepted the sting
You couldn't handle the wind from the whipping
Put nails in my boots
itd be more enjoyable than making sense of you
I wish I knew
So long
Too much time
Yet I still have to hold up the moon and sky?
I'm never good enough in your eyes
Your love feels like disdain in disguise
Naked without your presence ,only despair to keep me company at night
You got your wish,I'm no longer the Schizophrenic Manic you want to shut the fuck Because your mind can't keep up
Out of sight out of mind
I'm dust under the rug
Just a mistake to someone in whom I had trust
Hope was a thing with feathers
these days its full of maggots,decaying watching vultures circle high
You are the truth ,ALWAYS right
unconditional compassion I gave you
guess it was just gold for fools
Infidelity claimed , for actions uncommitted there is no exscuse
Word binding like a contract
That noose on my neck with no slack.
Nothing I wanted more than to love you back
I gave you a second chance,I never got my first
As far as your concerned I was loaded in a herse
Give me death
What you did was much worse
I the accused with no proof
I on trial for reasons only known to you
I asked you to see the real me
You the judge of my offenses
Biased with no evidence
She the jury branding me guilty
I hang my head knowing there is no mercy to come
You my executioner,once my love.