

A costly mistake.. beware!!
(Hey, everyone..I am a teenage girl.. today I am going to share a dark side of my life and how I overcame that phase..)
At first, I didn't want to share this side of me..
Then I decided to tell you about it so you can decide what you shouldn't be!
I am an introvert,I don't have many friends and I love to read a lot..
But, I never thought I would be that fool in my life, I did things so stupid that I really should not!!
Long story in short yes, I fall in love with a boy and I was kinda started to enjoy..
He approached me first and I said yes but I didn't realize he wanted to use me as a toy!!
I won't only blame him, there was my fault too..
But it was my first time, I really had no idea what to do!!
Yeah, you guessed it right, we broke up within a month!
I became so mad, I tried to forget him as soon as possible but that also I didn't want!!
You can call me stupid but imagine yourself in my place..
I was mentally so broken back than I couldn't even forget his face!!
I didn't want anyone to know about it so I acted as normal as I usually live..
Then, that day came, my parents were out of the town, at the morning they decided to leave..
After they left, I was sitting alone in my room, thinking I should end my life!!
I was so desperate at that moment, I went to kitchen and brought the knife!!
I didn't want to live anymore so without any thinking I cut my wrist!!
There was too much blood coming out from my veins,I became so afraid even I tried to but I couldn't resist..
I felt I was drowning now I know how close I was to my death..
I was senseless for almost three hours it was 16th of may the day I could never forget!!
When I got up my brain was out of my control, I was lying on my blood!!
I examined my wrist and found out thankfully it wasn't a major cut and I assumed it as flood!!
I bandaged my wrist after cleaning the wound with savlon,and thought what I just did..
I am thankful to god,I am alive today,I asked myself was there any need??
I cleaned up my room,wiped my tears and I was completely blank then..
My parents came back in the evening,I hugged them as tightly as I can..
My father pat my head and asked what happened sweety,I told you to come with us..
I breakdown into tears and promised I would never break their trust..
Mom saw my bandage and anxiously asked sonu,beti let me see..
I put the blame on our dog rocky( sorry, rocky!) said them he scratched me!!
After that incident, I realized how stupid I was and what could happen that day..
That day I promised to myself I will establish myself and will live in my way!!
So, that's it everyone,I hope you get my message and learned what not to do..
Breakup isn't the end of the life,i was about to pay the highest price for that shit,I got that, do you??
It's been 2 years now and yes I do have a boyfriend who support me in every way..
I have my parents on my side, the one of my life, leading towards a bright future, do I need more to say??
deticated to a girl,I don't know her name..it was her story so I am not mentioning any name..let me know how is the poem..it's a bit lengthy, but it will worth it..#realwriting

© Soumyadip