

Passion, an indomitable spark
Passion is the blazing fire in your core.
Racing through your veins in furore.
Ignites your senses in pulsing fervor.
Your heart beats in heady ardor.

It is filled with an insane mania.
You feel drunk in insomnia.
Time and space lose meaning.
Till you achieve what you are craving.

Dreams turn insipid without its power.
Lose themselves in history's mire.
It compels you to succeed better.
The leverage to excel in the chosen career.

It fills you with unwavering confidence.
It shapes your thoughts and visions.
It imparts an unstoppable tenacity.
To function over and above your capacity.

It's reigns in the soul of poets and bards.
Philosophers and leaders are not lost to its call.
The zeal to make one's mark in the world.
A fire in the belly, an indomitable spark.

© Lakshmi Ramesh