

Dear Songs, Lyrics are Poetry
Dear Songs,

I hope this letter finds you in good spirits, dancing through the hearts and minds of listeners around the world. As I sit down to pen this note to you, I am struck by the beauty and power of your existence in our lives. Your melodies have a way of soothing our souls and igniting our spirits in ways that words alone cannot express.

In the realm of music, you are the heartbeat that gives life to the emotions we find hard to articulate. Your verses are like whispers from the universe, weaving stories of love, pain, joy, and everything in between. It is said that lyrics are poetry set to music, and I couldn't agree more. The way you paint vivid images with your words, evoke deep emotions with your melodies, and resonate with our innermost thoughts is nothing short of poetic.

Just like a skilled poet crafts verses that touch the soul, you, dear Songs, have the power to transcend boundaries and connect people from all walks of life. Your ability to speak to the human experience in a language that transcends words is a gift that we cherish and hold dear.

As we continue to listen to you, sing along with you, and let your rhythms guide us through the tapestry of life, let us never forget the profound impact you have on our hearts and minds. Your essence is a symphony of emotions, a melody of memories, and a harmony of hope that resonates within us all.

Thank you, dear Songs, for being the poetry of our lives.

With heartfelt gratitude,

© Simrans