

Longing and acceptance
And there I stood while waiting for you
Longing for the replies I always needed
You said we will be alright very soon
I trusted you, while my ink still bleeded.

I said to you, I'll love you forever
But I felt abandoned as you frowned
And the rain that was something I loved
Became the reason why I drowned.

It pierced a deep hole in my heart
Not once not twice but a hundred times
But I started to let go of you coz,
They say holding on was guilty as a crime.

You said you were trying there
When you left me standing lame
And I myself burnt my fluttering wings
In the grace of your flickering flame.

Maybe I embraced it so fiercely
Or Maybe I tried watering the stones
Or maybe it wasn't meant to be, I agreed
But the acceptance ached my heart and bones.