

Pirouette of time
Oh Monsieur of time! I'll ask you?
Can you be more cordial to me?
I feel like I've been left far behind
I feel numb because of the mayhem of my mind
Are they running too fast or am I too slow?
I'm trying to kill my dread, but I'm bleeding
Can you look into my eyes, Monsieur of time?
You even left me without contriteness
Do you know? You know I'm scared here?
I lost my lanterns when they started to shine
Their light is brighter now and I'm so obscure

Isn't it normal that I'm flustered? — as a human
I built a dream to escape from my dread
But it's like I'm lingering in a dream doorway
My head rustle like leaves in a strong gust
Why is this like a monster haunting me?
But their query scared me much more
Monsieur of time, can you understand me?
My holy prayer can't even bridge the space of peace
I'm not afraid of you Monsieur of time
And I wrote some verses here about you and about some phantom in my life
They don't even realize or pretend they don't understand that we are on different train tracks

But if you're still running, what can I do?
They haunt me with reproachful songs
I recall how I wasn't what they expected and didn't provide them with the satisfaction they desired
But why should I care? And why should they care about all this?
Oh monsieur of time, I believe there is a time when I find my bright lantern
I build a tranquil home, let these phantoms continue to surround me
Or make this my stepping stone and my whip
Something I realized, all this I cannot avoid
The bright or vague, I'm proud of my own light produced by me is great courtship for my path

I believe the great one is the figure that is halfway between a demon and an angel fighting those monsters or I call it a phantom
They try to make me crack and wobbly
Now I should take action because I know the consequences are mine— not for them! No!
Yeah, I know I don't have magic to curse them or change everything
Life becomes meaningless if I consume their twaddle
I will continue down this railroad because I know this is mine and my responsibility
Oh Monsieur of time, I believe in you, you will side with me

©Uni Nindiani