


This beautiful life is a mixture of components,
That we supposed to mix well or get worse,
Everything have its own meaning,
That's what it made from the experiences,
Gems or coins it's not worthy than the life,
That's the thing you should know, the value of being alive...

Happiness can be seen in every thing around us,
It's just a matter of looking it in deep,
Don't go too back or you will end up doubting,
That's the mystery holded by our life,
Even in the little things you can see a whole world hidden,
Don't grieve on things that is not meant for you..

Life is like a bond of four circles,
They are the things what you love,
What you are good at,
What you can be paid of and,
What the world needs.
When these four essence links,
It can make out another four,
Your Passion, Mission,
Profession and Vocation...

When these eight element together make a mix,
It can be a balance between what you have and don't..

In the one,you have the delight and fulfilness,
But a lack of wealth make you not the whole,
In the second,you have the excitement and complacency,
But a sense of uncertainty will make you not the whole,
In the third,You will be comfortable,
But a feeling of emptiness will make you not the whole,
In the last, you have the satisfaction that you're craving for,
But the feeling of uselessness make you not the whole...

That's about the life,where it's a balance of much and lack,
Where we don't get our wants,
But still our needs get fully satisfied,
It's an imperfect wave of happiness,
That is followed by struggles and sorrows,
Now you may feel empty,sad or useless,
But you should know that in return,
You will be happy and delight in the next..

These circles make up our life,
From the birth to the death in every seconds,
Without really even knowing it,
We're being a part of this common lifecycle,
But see how the life is beautifully carved,
Out of these number of elements,
Thank God he gave us a good life,
We're not meant to waste it...

You just stay alive and don't get retired,
Dont make it too hurry,you can get if it's slow,
Surround yourself with the goodness,
Reconnect with the nature and always keep that smile,
Always be thankful and live in the moment,
And just follow your ikigai ahead...

© Trusfrated.Girl


Ikigai is a Japanese practice to achieve a long happy life..
You may feel it as a mythology but it's not,
It's the reality of our life.
I wrote this poetry as an inspiration from the book "Ikigai" a great realisation about the life...
You should read it atleast once in a lifetime
You can then understand a great difference between what you should do and what you're doing🥀