

The silence rings loud,
The chain around my neck,
Weighing me down,
As i lie here alone,

The echoes of our past,
Whispering in my ear,
Crawling out of the darkness,
To drag me back into despair,

I close my eyes to hide,
And behind my eyelids,
I see visions of tragedy,
Doomed to repeat,

People that dont learn from history,
Are doomed to repeat it,
People who do learn from history,
Are doomed as well,

It is human nature,
To attach yourself to poisonous things,
Beautiful on the outside,
Toxic on the inside,

They lure us in,
Prey on our weakness,
And after the first bite,
We cannot survive without them,

Addicted to what is killing us,
What doesnt kill you,
Doesnt make you stronger,
Just brings you one step closer,

One more step,
Until you tumble over the ledge,
Falling a 1000 miles,
Falling 6 feet,

Stuck in the fall,
Waiting for someone to pull you out,
But youve pushed everyone away,
For the person that poisons you,

And in your moment of need,
They turn their back on you too,
A peddler needs not,
Waste product on a dead
© plaaaaaant