

Buried Memories
I apologize for pushing you away,
Your arms are reaching out to me, but I
I just can't let you get so close to me
I can't let you see that deep inside of me.

I know if I do, you'll see,
Right behind my eyes, the pieces of who I was
Drawn like shredded skin over dry asphalt-
I've just skidded so far behind life,
It's wearing me down
Every dark memory is still fresh,
Forever painted in blood
I tried to forget but the more you remind me,
Innocently though you ask
The more those wounds stay open,
Forever bleeding on the floor
I've been stripped bare of skin and bone
The person I was, dragged over cold stone
Now only I am left,
Torn and alone,
Broken pieces left inside timeless memories-
I'm sorry I just...
Can't answer your call.