

Standing in the dock,
Looking around at the full room,
Angry faces stare back at me,
Fingers point back at me,
Others, looking so sad and sorry for me,
My eyes are back to the one who will finally decide my fate.

Silence takes over,all eyes on the judge,
Except for mine,tears are back to mine eyes,
Mind back to the past two months,
At the crime scene,they said,

Someone in distress,a savior I run to help,
Naked body,covered in blood,
A poor young girl,badly beaten and abused,
Please help me,came the frail voice,
Don't go!Get out of here!
Please help me...Came the first voice.

Torn between fear and pity,am rooted on the spot,
Suddenly,the pain on my head blinds me,
Am in utter darkness,my useless body falls,
With eyes open,am on a hospital bed,
A handcuff on my hand, police on left.

Did you do it?Was the first question,
I didn't do anything,I wanted to help,
You bloody liar!Came the slap,
Stay away from him!Came a voice from outside,
He's innocent untill proven guilty,
Am your lawyer,fear not.

Order!Am back to the present,
Chaos again but this time, lawyer is in tears!
Oh no,but am innocent.I didn't do it,
I cry,for my poor mother,
I cry for my poor pregnant wife,ooh my unborn child!
I fall to the floor.

Strong hands pull me up,
We did it!You are free!
I must be in heaven,but no,
Wait,am here.Am free,
What about the murder??
Poor girl.

© Leen Queen.