

Trained Typist Tina
Trained typist Tina.
A tale there to tell,
technically taught; a team-player as well. 
Thorough and thoughtful, a Tyne tap-dancer too,
though tense with a temper if too much to do. 
Don't trespass or tamper; she's in top throttle, 
tough-talking, tee-total when not on the bottle.
Terse-thumping and tactless - a testing twin-set,
thus tempting to thwart her tirade when ill-treat.
Tongue-tied box-ticker, thankful for trade,
trite tinker, top-trickster, tiresome till paid.
Tread thinly, track timely, thinking this through,
give her a Twirl and make her a brew,
on a tarnished table with some tepid tea,
that tastes truly terrible, like bark from a tree,
she teeters and totters, throwing it out,
and timidly tells you she'll try going without.
Try this tack to thrill Tina and thrall,
by toning it down, she'll trust you to call.
I'm all out of t's in this testing tryst,
though six still appear in no final line twist.

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