

Eyelashes for breakfast
I had eyelashes for breakfast
Taking my time to ensure it meets the lash line
So that my beautiful eyes would be defined..
Bed not made,
Kitchen's the same
But trust me, my eyelashes are in the game!

It's a form of self care, you see
Learning as a woman not to put you before me
Look and see, even the alphabet agrees!
We've been hardwired to think
That I'm doing this to be admired
Haha at the sound of misogyny
That seems to dominate the country.

I am a woman
Who is undefined
By the lies, expectations and labels
You create with your mind.
I am as strong as a diamond
But can be as fragile as a flower,
I can be as fierce as gale force winds
But be as gentle as the tropical sea breeze,
I can be a man's superpower
But if you are not careful
I could be your kryptonite like Delilah!

Happy Women's Day! 💅