

Gone but not Forgotten
To the you that left without a word,
leaving a trail of silent answers.

Unanswered questions, no sense of closure.
Why treat a heart like lab rat dancers?

Blind rage severed the thread,
a confronting truth the initial sword.

Forgotten were your words of transparency and truth.
Why preach when you planned to be untoward?

A broken heart left in its wake,
no words describe the sensations I'm under.

The damage is done, to the you that chose to ghost.
Aware of my errors, the ending result is not solely my blunder.

The space I respect out of lingering care...
Clear answers are what I truly need.

Sad it is that you're gone from my life.
As memories remain, we now walk different paths but have yet to be freed.
© Creations by Rikell