

Damaged Organs
I looked upon my beating heart..
And i squeezed it;
It oozed nothing.
Those Pesky little Emotions, Blood and Hopes;
I see none,
Just a hardened, brittle muscle
That I wanted to crush.
With pity and rage,
I Shifted my attention to pry on my brain.

Ah! Let's see,
The neurons are working fine,
Ya! i remember almost everything,
Every little embarrassment, disappointment ,hate and hurt;
I just, want to dip my brain in a barrel of forgetful postion and
Venture into the unknown and least trodden.

After i diagonised my heart and brain,
I reached out my hand
in search of my soul;
Strange! All i felt was a sharp chilling cold;
No wonder I feel no my passion nor emotion;
Hey! I think i have lost my soul .

© Chandreyee K.