

I am ageing
In the blink of an eye I'm ageing with the passes of year, without knowing getting old can be another life for the society to talk about, Honestly I'm living life like I used to live when I was young , freely , laughing crazily and minding my own business. To tell the truth, I don't have fear of getting older. But to my surprise people in my society are talking about my life just because I got old and it's time to have my own family, asking my age and discussing without my consent it seems they are more concerned than me, I'm not Ok with all those eye watching discussing about my life this is too much.

I know everything has its own limitations, I know society does talk about it when time comes, but people should know it too, life is a living in a choice, by not forcing, or by not comparing or by not with the measuring of my age. I have a life, feeling, emotion and choice like everyone else. Perhaps this might not be able to be understood by other perspectives, because they keep on judging from the title of the book.

Marriage is not everything and I'm not saying I'm against it, of course times will speak about my story just leave it in the hands of God, because somewhere I have read the sentence by Fr. Roy Cimagala says first of all we need to understand "marriage is a creation of god, not our own making, our own invention".

Let my age increase,
Let my soul gets older,
Let my life get freedom, that's shouldn't be your Matter.
Marriage is not a joke, don't compare your daughter or son's or other wealthy life with my living just because they settle and live a successful life. Don't make me rush into a turning course which doesn't make me comfortable And content, neither I wasn't ready enough to take it in my hand. This doesn't mean I'm totally against it, yes this is necessary chapter for all, but life is a choice. I have a long arduous Journey before I sleep and I'm taking my time slowly, slowly, I don't need to push things in one go. I'm not waiting for the right time just let it flow how it is used to be.

© Sarita jeinao