

One last mistake
It's been years when we met,
I have memories of our past and your last gift;
The ring from whom you purposed me sitting on your knee
The truth behind it I couldn't see
I accepted you without thinking a bit.
It was my one last mistake which I made.
Your everything was fake including whatever you said.
Whenever I see it I always lost in those dark memories 💔
When you play with me
I wanted to tell you I was not a toy
But someone stopped me advising I was a girl and he was a boy.
I respect him/her,
But it doesn't means that I was weak
I was just fixed in a relation how things stick.
Everday I peek into past to remember you and my revenge;
I am laughing on myself how my past was so strange.......
Accepting you was my one last mistake which I made.................

© Bhavi