

At The End
I'm at end of my rope,
I can't hold on much longer,
If I let go I die,
But if I stay here I die too,
It's a lose-lose situation,
No one's around,
But I have to choose.
I either have to stay here thinking of all the possibilities and wait to die,
Or I can let go and hope whatever is at the bottom welcomes me with open arms,
I want to stay here out of fear,
But I feel the need to let go and have a chance of being happy at the bottom when I die.
So I let go,
As I fall I embrace the idea of death like an old friend,
I look it straight in the eye sand say,
" I'm ready",
For what I don't know,
But I do know I am ready for it all to come,
So I smile as I hit the bottom,
Because I know I made the right choice.

© The Scarlett poet