

3 am thoughts
I burst my brain constantly trying to figure what is wrong with me, why do I make the choices that I make.
I sit and ponder on where do I go from here, because there is nothing left in me.
My emptiness speaks louder that the emptiness of a barrel.
My heart doesn't ache of pain anymore as it doesn't beat when pain cries, it gets just gets numb.
Tears may fall but each droplet represents my every failure.
The kindness in my heart is diminishing to the floor of the earth and I battle to not let hate fill my cup, emotional demon rocks my world with torment and anguish, I scream in pain when all that hurts is my failed choices.
I try to make it make sense but it doesn't as I cannot fathom why does a good heart gets abuse this much.

#writco #poetry #poem #writcopoems #inspiration #heartbreak #pain #quotes #writcoquotes
© Theresa♥️♥️♥️fromthe♥️♥️♥️