

Tick tock... Tock tock...
Life is counting down on your internal clock

Memories that feel as if they occured yesterday
Turns to flashes of moments that seem to fade away
As hours and minutes pass we think
What we have learned, we have taught or forgot

Time is slow, time is fast
It never stops, but always lasts
It's time for bed, it's time for school
To waste your time is to be a fool

People you once knew walk away without a clue
The time you once shared exists as if were never there
Years fly.. your loved ones die and you never know when you you say your last goodbye

Time has always been there since the very beginning
And will last till the very end
It saw the creation of everything
And will see the destruction of everything

It is forever changing never remains the same
It was a minute here
A century there
It is an universal and eternal entity

We regret when we waste it
Wish we had more before we run off
We waste it believing that we will have it forever
But we don't realize that it will leave us eventually

Tick tock... tick tock
How I wish I could control this time clock