

As I watch the fire consume the woods
And the heat produced giving warmth to my cold body
I reflect back on my year
The year 2023
How it all started and how it's ending
With the uncertain decisions I had to make at the beginning
To how far those decisions have helped me this year
To the projects I've been able to start this year
And seeing the progress
To how far believing in myself has changed me
To trying new things, seeing new places
To having dreams and hopes
Aspirations and goals
Those that were met and not met
And still hoping they be met
To the new people I met this year
To the mistakes I made this year
To the lessons I learnt this year
To the achievements attained in my family
To knowing myself and my friends more
To the prayers that were,are,will be,always
To the close of 2023 and ushering of 2024🙏🙏
© a_p_a_a_t