

Short messages convey everything silently.
Open letter to All...
short messages has four unsaid meanings!
1. you're just a time pass. (making you're self fool)
2. may be their life sucks them hard,they won't want to share it with you (or) they're tierd of getting disappointed.
3. There is no use of sending long messages (they already knows that you won't bother about their messages whether it is shorter or longer, they know you won't mean that.)
4. fixing themselves not to disturb you and seeking your attention silently.
the main problem is we take in our way what we think about them... without even knowing. Don't judge yourself about others, not everyone has open up thier inner pain when their lips are sealed. just leave them in their way if they needs you in their life they will come with or without explaining but when they needs (you) your attention at certain time be there for their hope. they wanted to feel you're the one who supports them and to be stand with thier side.

© meera somasumdaram