

The Plot
In a world of great confusion
moral shatters into pieces;
Clouds are casting darker shadows,
evil all around increases.

There’s a deadly cancer growing
in the generation rising.
And the outcome of the story
is a tragedy surprising.

God is God of peace and order,
why does chaos fill the nation?
Satan takes his hate toward heaven
out upon the Lord’s creation.

He attacks each piece of beauty
mixing truth with bits of error,
raises questions to the humans
till the science breeds a terror.

He began in Eden’s garden
with this tactic quite persuading,
till his hate for God’s commandments
was the human mind pervading.

Did God really say it’s deadly
if you eat that lovely apple?
Made them doubt and made them question,
truth and logic met to grapple.

Wisdom of a God almighty;
hard for human understanding.
Satan knows that if we question
he can answer our demanding.

So he started with creation,
something beautiful and precious,
Why would God create a human
or a world to feed and bless us?

Where’s the proof of God’s existence?
You are men of mind and science.
Figure out a better answer,
I will be your great alliance.

So men questioned, thought, and doubted,
till they made a strange solution…
Simple truth of God’s creation
was exchanged for evolution.

You were never touched by heaven,
made in love by your Creator.
You’re a monkey holding feces,
once a slime-ball, nothing greater.

Then the Devil sat and chuckled,
worked his power on the people,
It took years of great convincing
but they made his science legal.

And today it is the answer
for the how of our existence.
After troubled minds accept it,
others follow with persistence.

If there is no God or Bible
it is up to mortal people
to preserve the good and perfect
and destroy the base and evil.

Therefore life, no longer sacred,
turns into a cheap transaction.
Values shift until the snowball
pressures leaders into action.

When the Devil dares to meddle
with the minds of men in power.
Common people, marked as evil,
in their hiding places cower…

Massacres of ten and twenty,
then of fifty, sixty, eighty…
Fields of medicine and science
cover secrets dark and shady.

When the secrets leak to public
guns are shouldered, nations battle.
Lives deleted for opinions
till the entire world is rattled.

When God’s pattern for a family
is in place, the home is stable.
Dad and Mother and the children
all united round the table…

Homes where men are honored leaders
and the women are respected
as the life inside the castle;
that’s where children are protected.

Stable families can’t be shaken,
they raise children strong and brilliant.
Those who build on honest morals
to the evil are resilient.

So the Devil sent his demons
to the homes to break the hedges.
Put the Fathers in the army,
push the women to the edges

till they have to make a living,
put them in the men’s positions.
When the women leave the castle,
home-life shatters with traditions.

Mom and Pop are at the factory,
children lose the home’s protection,
so the Devil takes his victims
and injects them with infection.

Satan knows that men are visual;
they will sin by lust and passion.
He knows women act on feelings;
they will sin by pride and fashion.

Men will make a passing comment,
women like the casual mention.
Modesty becomes the fetter
that denies the most attention.

Women worship at the mirror,
proud of fashion that can flatter.
Men see bodies they can worship;
self-respect no longer matters.

Children watch the games of adults
and learn quickly by example.
Over morals and emotions,
they permitted fame to trample.

Minds are warped and hearts are darkened
as the Devil trains disciples.
Those who worship at his altars
will promote the deadly cycles.

He gives power to the people
who believe the lies he teaches;
Through the movies, through the music,
through the games and schools he reaches.

Teach confusion, spell disaster
with a tactic that’s enticing.
Make them addicts to forever
lick the self-enhancing icing.

Jesus says “I formed your body,
knew your name before conception.
Satan targets God’s creation,
ruins beauty with deception.

“You are trapped inside a body
that is wrong for every reason.”
So against themselves, the people
will commit the crime of treason.

Mutilate the perfect features
formed in love by their Creator.
Curse the One who called them perfect,
choose instead to serve a traitor.

Jesus said “this is my body,
broken, slain for your salvation.”
Now the mocking cry is shouted
out against him through the nation:

“It’s my body, my decisions!
I serve no one or their ruling!”
And the Devil laughs to hear it
for they follow his controlling.

Jesus said “protect the children.
They are mine; a piece of glory.”
Satan hates their mere existence,
his alternative is gory.

Kill the babies, praise abortions,
Children are not worth the trouble.
If they live; abuse, reject them.
Let them suffer pain in double.

Satan seeks what wounds the Father,
with revenge his only mission.
He cares not for human feelings,
he just wants them in perdition.

There’s an ignorance that’s growing
in the generation rising.
And the outcome of the story
is a tragedy surprising…

They reject the God of heaven,
He who loves the people dearly.
They declare they’re independent,
yet not one of them sees clearly.

For they serve the cruelest master,
all in bondage to his mission.
Slaves to Self, the Devil’s temple;
they all need the Great Physician.

Satan’s reign is not forever
and his chance to work is waning.
He gets bolder with his efforts
in the little time remaining.

Pray for freedom for the people.
Pray for knowledge in the nation.
Pray protection on the children.
Pray for healing on creation.

Pray that eyes again will open
to the evil that’s promoted.
Pray that truth will be as vocal
as the lies so sugar-coated.

Pray that people will encounter
God’s great love in lives of others.
Pray that children hear of Jesus
from their fathers and their mothers.

Study well the world around you.
Do not live without direction.
Those who do not care what happens
are most prone to catch infection.

© Loretta Shively
#christianity #deception #devilworship #motives #trends #popularopinions #diversity #inclusive