

Thousand paths..
It‘s two a.m.
The moon has closed its eyes
he’s turned still in his path,
and found a place to reside.
I can’t hear anything,
the silence, the little sounds,
Myself I can’t hear,
because my mind is too loud.
I’m thousands of paths ahead,
One longer than the other,
they’re covered in shards, so
why do I have to suffer?
I feel the moon waking up,
A light turns on,
What do I say as he asks,
„My dear, what’s wrong?“
A lot has happened,
is what I say,
„The days turn into nights,
but still, nothing is okay.“
The moon sighs, exhales wind
into my face.
„Dear, that means it‘s not over yet,
It is going to be okay.“

© Dorothea.S