

In the depths of time

Tarry not towards the end,
Await and appreciate,
As you are now,
Your sorrow and your joy

In the depths of time, where moments blend,
Let us journey forth, my dear friend.
Tarry not towards the end's embrace,
For life's true beauty lies in every pace.

Await the wonders that lie ahead,
In every sunrise, a new story spread.
Appreciate the blessings, big and small,
For they weave the tapestry of your soul.

As you are now, a unique creation,
Embrace both sorrow and elation.
For sorrow's touch, though it may sting,
Can deepen the well from which joy will spring.

Let not the shadows dim your sight,
For even in darkness, stars ignite.
And within your heart, a guiding light,
To lead you through the darkest night.

So cherish the moments, every one,
The laughter, tears, and battles won.
For life's sweet symphony, a fleeting song,
Each note a reminder to carry on.

Tarry not towards the end's embrace,
But savor each step, embrace the chase.
For in the journey, you shall find,
The essence of life, forever entwined.
© Rajesh Mandavi