

This land used to be arid
Dry as dry itself
With moaning and groaning inhabitants
Overburdened with discomfort

Days passed in ennui
Nondescript it was, to say the least
Where lush green once was, turned pale and grey
It was high time to bell the cat

But courage was a scarce commodity
So to the heavens we gazed
Wishes and prayers coalescing; and ascending to the firmament
Waiting in eager expectation for a reply from above

Who would come to our aid?
The heavens were pregnant

What would come forth?
Good or evil?
Or prolongation of the status quo?
We hoped for the best

But prepared for the worst
A draught was born
Hopes took a nosedive
But to our utter consternation; it began to gather momentum

A gust, a breeze
Then finally. a rampaging wind
Sweeping through the land
Once stale air became fresh again

Sweet smells of integrity, transparency, diligence and accountability
A revolution is on!
Weeds of dishonesty, injustice and indifference
Are giving way to forests of breakthroughs, development and progress

Happy faces everywhere
A wonderful world
Welcome, O wind of change!
May your reign be long!