

A Memory
I don't want to be just memory;
A good nights' sleep next to you.
Or someone you’d one day stumble upon,
Remembering me out of the blue.

I don't want to be just someone you knew.
Getting lost among all the others.
If never standing out, I'll fade.
You'll forget we were even lovers.

But since it's time for us to part,
There’s something I’d like you to try.
As you begin the going back overs,
Of all those still-frames of you and I.

Highlight the good ones showing us happy,
Laughing so hard we don't make a sound.
Or playing all night right under the stars,
Those ones before things turned around.

Try not to recall the few bad times.
Like those when you made me cry.
Or the times that got so utterly crazy.
When you withheld the truth; told a lie.

I really wish all your memories with me
Would call upon those sweet times in life.
When you felt as though everything was easy.
Unconditional love abound, not strife.

I know what I will forever hold dear.
It will be what shines above the rest.
When you would pull me in for a hug,
You'd press my head against your chest.

Alas, those whispered nicknames
We called each other while having fun.
That’s how I will always think of us.
You were Handsome, I was Little One.

Choose wisely now, before Time has her way,
Dissolving all that we were and will never be.
I know that every time I ever think of you,
Your playful smile looks back at me.
© Buffy Lee