

Caffeine High
How did we come to be?
We're different people you and I
You like asking questions
You poke around , you pry
you want answers
So I always provide
But you never check under their coat of sugar
To see what awful things they hide

I tell you you're the calm sleep I need.
and novels I reread
Statements that're
And open to interpretation
All words that imply adoration

But the bare truth of it is that
Being with you is like a caffeine high
You're a drug I take
to stay awake
When night is nigh
My caffeine high

In truth I use you
To keep my self from dreaming
From sleeping
and slipping
Into a rueful unreality
of my contorted actuality
In which I'm told to fall
when I can't fly
You're to save me from that
my caffeine high

I had to get used to the taste of you
you were bitter
But a safe drug to get addicted to
a strategic ally
My caffeine high
so believe you're my sleep
and not just company
my insomnia
and paranoia keep
We're different people you and I
you ask questions, you pry
And I provide a merciful lie
because like I said
You're a strategic ally
My caffeine high

© Ma-cal