

Difficult. (one of my old poems)



There is a cloud over my head A faceless demon surrounding me The thought of disappointing you, Making you upset.

Or doing something wrong is weighing me down You ask 'do you hate me' 'are you ignoring me my response is no I don't hate you I love you with every piece of my heart I'm not ignoring you I read every message you send even if it's just a simple text I try to think of what to say trying to not trigger something trying to sound like I'm okay even tho I'm not just so you don't worry but also trying to not sound angry so that you don't think I'm mad at you theres right and there's wrong if I say or do the right thing everything is fine if I say or do something wrong I've messed up and need to find a way to fix it I can say I'm sorry over and over but sorry doesn't cut it saying sorry doesn't fix that I've messed up.
© Teddy