

The visitor
I never really had a home on earth,
I always knew I was visiting,
I played the game, player at existing,
Plays at being,
Contrast for seeing.
Contracts for karma,
And every lesson under the sun in humility,
Little girl used to wonder why she was here alone, when everyone had somebody,

She just wondered,
Wondered until she started dreaming.
Paradise in the middle of the desert,
Kept her awake when the world was sleeping,
And the night owls nodded from their own lonely corners,

Light workers and alchemists fulfilling their own contracts, grown in loneliness and wonder;
Because the two go hand in hand.
Cultivating gifts, questioning the man,
Breaking all the rules,
To finally understand.

I never really had a home on earth,
So why do I feel like I have to fight for my land?

© Leila Rose