

The river that flows down the hill,
Is never able to be a moment still,
The rocks and pebbles at it's edge,
Lie as steady as the dead,

Her flow is sharp like a sword,
Poor Rocks do not utter a single word.
they enjoy her fierce force with love
Never ask her to stop the flow,
A space to grow and glow.

Her water swiftly flow as if a jet
leaving behind her whitish net.
Through the trough and crest of river bed,
a symphony of roar emerges to spread.

As a young one she lives forever,
In mountains, in valleys as young as ever.
fierce energy, carefree will.
pouring down from uphill.

Leading a journey towards the ultimate
Unaware where this path will take.
Her journey is hard, destination is afar,
Miles to go, guiding her own starts.

Yet her destiny decided where to go,
to be in the flow or to get slow.
witnessing major developments,
from villages,dams and large cities to extend.

Tearning down rocks yet to get cought,
In dirty savage waters, a dustbin for humans.
Her plea to us, please save yourself,
from her fierce force of water.

Her destination is definite,
her flow is infinite.

George, canyon and the famous valley
Her journey is a testimony of Hardship
for a mission to meet her ocean.
Leading her towards liberation.
The cycle countinues with each season.

© Alphaclimber01🌻