

Happiness For A Day

What is happiness? Where can I get it.

Is it so expensive that when I buy I'll regret it.

Or is every penny I'll invest worth it.

What exactly does happiness do? Does it make you forget all your worries. Does it take away your loneliness, does it take away the overthinking and the depression it carries. Does it take away the anxiety that comes with fear. Does it take away the fear of rejection, the fear of failure?.

If so, How can something so helpful be so hard to find. How can it be this expensive when money is just as hard to find. Do you guys rent out happiness? I need some to clear my mind. How much will it cost to rent for one day?

I just need it for one day. One day of happiness. One day without fear, one day without overthinking and anxiety. One day without depression and paranoia. One day of rest from all the negativity of everyday.

One day to experience love I've never had before. One day to love and be loved back.

Happiness sounds like a really good life hack.

I'm pretty sure happiness Will do the trick

Please Sir How much will it cost me to get happiness for One Day?

©Thomas Trosky ™