

That Special One
Magical moments are real, Like the moments where you feel like everything neatly fits itself together, For example: Try to close your eyes the moment before dawn, And just, feel...
feel the presence of the person who is in your heart,
your dreams,
your thoughts,
your memories,
your happiness,
your sadness,
it's the person whose presence means everything to you.
you just want to be surrounded by them.
you want them to be with you.
you can't let them go no matter what it takes..!!
sometimes situations are harder than we could ever imagine...!!
but always remember the real one will always stay even if
you had a bad fight
or something had happened between you two...!!
but they will stay.
find them & keep them forever with you cuz only they can make you feel the best & the happiest..!!

© Swati Shrivastava