

I'm not good for you
I know I'm not good for you
But I still fear of loosing you
I love you to the core
Where I started loosing myself also
I know I'm not good for you
But still I want to stick to you
May be I'm greedy of your presence
I know I'm not good for you
But I still hope to be with you
No matter how difficult it is to be with you
I know I'm not good for you
But I still wait for you
It hurts because after waiting for long hours there is no sign of you coming back
I know I'm not good for you
But still I wanted to keep hopes for you
I know which will never come true
I know I'm not good for you
But I wanted to amend things which had slipped from my hands
Because I wish to be same as we use too.

© devil_shiva_singh